RMS’ spare parts kit box services offers customers an organized, protected, and customized solution to store and manage their spare parts inventory. These tailored kit boxes facilitate the optimal management of spare parts ensuring the correct part is easy to find and in the proper condition for use. RMS’ team of kit box experts utilize engineering expertise and experience managing customer’s spare parts inventory to build the bespoke kit box solution for your application.
Before the Kit Box design process can start, the RMS commercial team works to understand the type of kit box that a customer prefers. Kit Box options range from a metal job site toolbox up to a Pelican style protective case for water and airtight storage.
Next, RMS works with the customer to choose exactly what parts to store in the customized kit box. Spare parts stored can range from complete bearings or bearing parts, seal components, gaskets and o rings, fasteners, couplings, or any other critical spare part and tooling required for the turbomachinery overhaul.
The Kit Box design process starts with our RMS design team along with qualified suppliers to layout the configuration of the parts within the box to maximize utilization of the space. Kit boxes are custom-designed for a customer’s exact needs. The inserts are made specifically for the dimensions of the items to be stored and the parts are clearly labeled with the name and part number. RMS also includes the applicable assembly drawing and bill of material to assure that the correct parts are available when needed.
In addition to protecting and organizing spare parts, an additional benefit of kitting critical spare parts and tooling is the ease with which they can be managed. Following a turnaround, the entire box can be returned to our RMS facility for inventory, inspection, and replenishment for the next overhaul event. In addition, RMS can offer storage options for customer kit boxes. The efficient management and replenishing of critical spare parts mean customers can easily manage critical spares promptly.
Kit box size and composition are adaptable to customer requests thanks to the flexibility of our design team and qualified suppliers. Size is only limited by the ability to handle the box. They are designed to be maneuvered by forklifts or lifted to their point of use on the job site compressor deck. Boxes can optionally support features such as humidity monitoring, airtight, and watertight design elements to ensure the stability of stored components.
Kit boxes give peace of mind knowing that all of the required spare parts are on hand, inspected for quality, and available in one place. It simplifies customer parts management. To learn more about RMS’ kit box solutions please reach out to your local RMS Sales Representative or send inquiries directly to RMS@Rotatingmachinery.com and it will be promptly addressed.